Who are we and why are we providing this document?

Information declaration pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of (EU) Regulation 2016/679

Your explicit consent is required in order to keep you up to date regarding commercial and promotional initiatives carried out by Parisienne Italia S.p.a. VAT identification number IT01651461202 for its clients through the completion of forms, the sending of newsletters, through informative material, advertising material, promotional material, and email and/or telephone contact. To this end, we invite you to view this Information Declaration regarding the processing of your personal data before providing your consent.

In this document (“Information Declaration”), the Data Controller for the processing of personal data, as defined below, wishes to inform you about the purposes and nature of the processing of your personal data and the rights to which you are entitled pursuant to (EU) Regulation 2016/679, relating to the protection of physical persons in the processing of personal data as well as in the free circulation of such data (“GDPR”). This information declaration may be supplemented by the Data Controller where any additional services requested by you lead to further processing operations.


  1. The Data Controller and Data Processor, DPO

The Data Controller for the processing of personal data is Parisienne Italia S.p.a. whose registered office is located in Via di Corticella,190 – 40128 Bologna (VAT identification number IT01651461202). The Data Controller has appointed a Data Processor (Data Protection Officer) whom you may contact to exercise your rights or to receive any information regarding your rights and/or this information declaration, represented by the Information Services Manager, domiciled for the purposes of this Privacy Regulation at the registered office of the undersigned, where an updated list of those engaged in the processing of data is kept, and who can be contacted via email at the address info@parisienneitalia.it.

Any third parties to whom data may be communicated in order to carry out processing operations linked to the aims specified in this information declaration will be appointed beforehand by the Data Controller responsible for the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 28. Data will not be subject to circulation.

The Data Controller and the DPO undertake to deal with your request and provide you (including through the designated structures) with information relating to the action taken regarding your request without undue delay and in any case within a period of one month from the receipt your request.

We inform you that if the Data Controller harbours any doubts regarding the identity of the physical person presenting the request, the Data Controller may request further information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject.


How will the personal data of data subjects be processed?

  1. Processing operations
    • Operation of the website – navigation only


In the course of their normal operation, the information systems and software procedures involved in the functioning of the Website acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is inherent in the use of internet communication protocols. This information is not gathered in order to be associated with specific data subjects but, by its nature, could be used in such a way as to allow identification of users of the Website through processing and associations with data held by the Company or by third parties.


The purpose of the processing operation in question

The legal basis for the processing operations in question is always the execution of a contract and preparatory pre-contractual activities.

The purpose of the processing operation in question is to ensure normal functioning of the website and the possibility of accessing registration, query and acquisition forms.

Data pertaining to the simple navigation of the website is stored for the entire duration of the navigation session.

After the expiry of these storage deadlines, your personal data will be destroyed, deleted or anonymised, in line with technical deletion and back-up procedures.

IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server’s response (successful, error, etc.), other parameters relating to the operating system and IT environment of the user, information relating to the user’s behaviour on the Website, to the pages visited or sought, with the aim of selecting and displaying specific adverts to the user of the Website and data relating to navigation behaviour on the Website using, for example, cookies.

During the processing of personal data that can, whether directly or indirectly, identity you, we endeavour to follow a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have configured the Website in such a way that the use of personal data is reduced to a minimum and limiting the processing of personal data that can be used to identity you to cases where this is strictly necessary or is requested by relevant authorities or by the police force (for example, data relating to trafficking, your visit to the Website or your IP address) or to ascertain responsibility in the case of any computer crimes committed against the Website.

Some personal data is strictly necessary for operation of the Website, while other data is only used to obtain anonymous statistical information regarding use of the Website and to ensure its correction functioning, and is deleted immediately after processing.

The data referred to in the previous points is gathered during navigation of the Website and is processed by employees and collaborators of the Company or by external subjects, who are engaged in and responsible for processing operations, and who carry out tasks of a technical and organisational nature for the Website on behalf of the Company.

Your personal data will be processed using automated tools for the time strictly necessary to complete the aims for which it was gathered, and in compliance with our principles of necessity and proportionality, avoiding the processing of personal data wherever operations can be completed using anonymous data or via other means.

We have adopted specific security measures to prevent the loss and misuse of personal data, as well as unauthorised access, but please remember that it is essential for the security of your data that your devices are equipped with frequently updated anti-virus tools and that your internet service provider guarantees the safe transmission of your data through firewalls, anti-spamming filters and similar protections.


  • Execution of the contract – Use of the service


The processing of your personal data is necessary for the acquisition of preliminary information to fulfil acquisition contracts for goods and services entered into with Parisienne Italia, for all services purchased from https://en.parisienneitalia.com/ through the completion and fulfilment of the contract that involves the provision of the service.

The purpose of the processing operation in question

The legal basis for the processing operations in question is the fulfilment of the contract.

The purpose of the processing operation in question is to grant access to the data controller’s online platforms, allowing subsequent user registration and the sending of enquiries through a form.

Fulfilment of the contract: this necessitates access to the data controller’s online platforms and the possibility of making purchases via the portal, the possibility of registering with the portal as a user, and the use of contact forms to send enquiries.

Nature of consent: obligatory

Consequences of a refusal to provide consent: a refusal to provide the data requested will prevent the data controller and data processor from providing the service that is the subject of this processing operation.

Minimum measures for the protection of data: all information is processed in a digital format, all access corresponds with a tracked Log and a password protection system is in place, which stipulates that passwords must have at least 8 characters, at least one of which must be a capital letter, a number and a special character. All connections are encrypted and protected with certificates and WEB SSL protocols, entailing identification of the company on the part of the certifying body.

The period of data storage: your personal data will be actively processed for the time required to manage the relationship in place and/or to execute the contract, and for no longer than 10 years. Information gathered to evaluate the conclusion of the contract in the case of non-fulfilment will be deleted within 30 days.

In the case of a legal dispute, data will be stored for the entire duration of this dispute, until the time limit for the enforceability of appeals has expired.

Relevant standards for the processing of data: the execution of pre-contractual measures, execution of the contract.


Parisienne Italia S.p.a. (VAT identification number IT01651461202) info@parisienneitalia.it

THE REVENUE AGENCY – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Chamber of Commerce – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Public Register for Automobiles (ACI) – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Courts – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Municipal and Registry Offices – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

The Bank of Italy – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Cerved Group Spa – (Autonomous Data Controller) : Italy

Data may be processed by external subjects operating in the capacity of autonomous data controllers, including, for example, monitoring and watchdog authorities/bodies, and, in general, companies (whether public or private) that are authorised to request data, advisory companies and/or professional companies (such as legal, financial and insurance companies).

Data may also be processed on behalf of the Company by external subjects designated as data processors, to whom adequate operational instructions have been given. Such subjects fundamentally fall into the following categories (by way of example): companies offering a service that entails the sending of emails; companies offering services to manage and develop the Website; companies offering support in the carrying out of market research; companies providing aftersales services and services to assist the consumer; courier and transportation companies; companies providing mailing services and other marketing services; companies within the Group that offer intragroup services.

Types of data processed:

Category                    Type

legal data                   Security Measures

legal data                   Prevention Measures

legal data                   legal

legal data                   Data relating to civil penalties

legal data                   Pending charges

financial data                        salary

financial data                        fiscal

financial data                        financial

generic data              personal details

generic data              Professional Curriculum Vitae


For which purposes is the Personal Data of the data subject processed?

  • Legal obligations


The processing of your personal data by the Data Controller may also be carried out in order to comply with obligations stipulated by law, by community regulations and/or standards, by monitoring and watchdog bodies or by other entities authorised to do so.

The purpose of the processing operation in question

The legal basis for the processing operations in question is that of complying with legal obligations

The purpose of the processing operation in question is to comply with the relevant regulation

Description of the processing operation: data is processed exclusively for the purposes specified in the regulation in question or upon the request of relevant bodies

Nature of consent: obligatory

Consequences of a refusal to provide consent: a refusal to provide the data requested will prevent the Data Controller from carrying out the activity requested by you, which implies compliance with legal obligations on the part of the Data Controller.

Minimum measures for the protection of data: all information is processed in a digital format, all access corresponds with a tracked Log and a password protection system is in place, which stipulates that passwords must have at least 8 characters, at least one of which must be a capital letter, a number and a special character. All connections are encrypted and protected with certificates and WEB SSL protocols, entailing identification of the company on the part of the certifying body.

The period of data storage: your personal data will be processed for this purpose for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations stipulated by current regulations. In this regard, your personal data will be stored for 10 years from the date of dissolution of the contract, or, if later, the period of storage will be determined by a binding decision emanating from a relevant authority (for example, a judgement determined by a court), without prejudice to any storage obligations relating to particular categories of data, for longer periods of time, stipulated by a legal regulation.

In the case of a legal dispute, data will be stored for the entire duration of this dispute, until the time limit for the enforceability of appeals has expired.

Relevant standards for the processing of data: compliance with a legal obligation


Parisienne Italia S.p.a. (VAT identification number IT01651461202) info@parisienneitalia.it

THE REVENUE AGENCY – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Chamber of Commerce – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Public Register for Automobiles (ACI) – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Courts – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Municipal and Registry Offices – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

The Bank of Italy – (Autonomous Data Controller)  :  Italy

Cerved Group Spa – (Autonomous Data Controller) : Italy


Data may be processed by external subjects operating in the capacity of autonomous data controllers, including, for example, monitoring and watchdog authorities/bodies, and, in general, companies (whether public or private) that are authorised to request data, advisory companies and/or professional companies (such as legal, financial and insurance companies).

Data may also be processed on behalf of the Company by external subjects designated as data processors, to whom adequate operational instructions have been given. Such subjects fundamentally fall into the following categories (by way of example): companies offering a service that entails the sending of emails; companies offering services to manage and develop the Website; companies offering support in the carrying out of market research; companies providing aftersales services and services to assist the consumer; courier and transportation companies; companies providing mailing services and other marketing services; companies within the Group that offer intragroup services.

Types of data processed:

Category                    Type

legal data                              Pending charges

economic data                      salary

economic data                      fiscal

economic data                      financial

generic data              personal details

generic data              Professional Curriculum Vitae

legal data                              Prevention Measures

legal data                              legal

legal data                              Data relating to civil penalties

legal data                              Security Measures


  • Marketing


The Data Controller will process your personal data in order to send you commercial communications regarding products and services offered by the Data Controller, including direct marketing conducted through the use of the results of analyses and profiling operations, as well as to carry out direct sales and market research and surveys.

Services such as the newsletter and the saving of user data requested during registration via a form are managed by MailChimp. This platform saves the data requested on its servers (which may also be located outside of the European Union). You can view MailChimp’s privacy policy here.

MailChimp offers details and insights regarding the opening of the newsletter (open rate, click rate etc.); the Data Processor can consult this information in order to evaluate the appeal of the content sent within the newsletter to users.

The purpose of the processing operation in question

The legal basis for the processing operations in question is the pursuit of a legitimate interest

The purpose of the processing operation is to propose the direct sale of other services of specific interest

Description of the processing operation: providing consent allows new products to be suggested and allows us to inform users about all new developments within the field of specific interests.

Nature of consent: optional

Consequences of a refusal to provide consent: a refusal to provide data will not have any bearing on the satisfaction of your requests or on the execution of the contract in question, but it will preclude the Data Controller from sending you marketing communications.

Minimum measures for the protection of data: all information is processed in a digital format, all access corresponds with a tracked Log and a password protection system is in place, which stipulates that passwords must have at least 8 characters, at least one of which must be a capital letter, a number and a special character. All connections are encrypted and protected with certificates and WEB SSL protocols, entailing identification of the company on the part of the certifying body.

The period of data storage: your personal data, which will be processed as described above, will be deleted within 30 days from the date of dissolution of the final contractual bond with the Data Controller. In any case, if you decide to withdraw consent or to object to the processing of your data, your personal data will be deleted within 30 days from the date of your request.

In the case of a legal dispute, data will be stored for the entire duration of this dispute, until the time limit for the enforceability of appeals has expired.



Parisienne Italia S.p.a. (VAT identification number IT01651461202) info@parisienneitalia.it

Types of data processed:

Category                                Type

generic data              personal details

  • Marketing and Statistics


The processing of your personal data and your purchasing habits allows the Data Controller to suggest the best offers that are more in line with your personal requirements.

The purpose of the processing operation in question

The legal basis for the processing operations in question is the pursuit of a legitimate interest

The purpose of the processing operation in question is to suggest the best offers that are more in line with your personal requirements.

Description of the processing operation: profiling allows you to access commercial promotions and to be informed about new developments within your particular field of interest.

Nature of consent: optional

Consequences of a refusal to provide consent: while it will not prevent the Data Controller from executing activities requested by you, a failure to provide consent will prevent the Data Controller from identifying services that are in line with your personal requirements.

Minimum measures for the protection of data: all information is processed in a digital format, all access corresponds with a tracked Log and a password protection system is in place, which stipulates that passwords must have at least 8 characters, at least one of which must be a capital letter, a number and a special character. All connections are encrypted and protected with certificates and WEB SSL protocols, entailing identification of the company on the part of the certifying body.

The period of data storage: data islands relating to the details of purchases are saved for a period of 24 months from their registration for the purposes of marketing and profiling activities: this time frame is stipulated by the provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority dated 24th February 2005 and 12th October 2017. Furthermore, your personal data, processed as described, will be deleted within 30 days from the date of the dissolution of the final contractual bond with the Data Controller. In any case, if you decide to withdraw consent or to object to the processing of your data, your personal data will be deleted within 30 days from the date of your request.

Relevant standards for the processing of data: consent given by the data subject


Parisienne Italia S.p.a. (VAT identification number IT01651461202) info@parisienneitalia.it

Types of data processed:

Category                    Type

generic data  personal details


Which cookies are used?

  1. Cookie declaration

3.1 Information Declaration URL https://en.parisienneitalia.com/cookie-policy/

3.2. Extended Cookies Declaration

Preliminary considerations

On this website we use technology to gather information that is useful for improving your online experience. This policy refers to the use of cookies and the ways in which they can be managed. We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. Any changes to this policy will take effect from the date of their publication on the Website.

Cookies are small text files that are sent from websites visited by a user to the terminal used. These are saved on the computer’s hard drive and then re-read, recognised and re-transmitted in the case of subsequent connections. Cookies are used for various purposes and allow us to carry out statistical analyses on the areas of the website visited by users. Data is gathered and read in an aggregate form to assess the efficiency of the website and to evaluate the user experience. Cookies do not contain any personal information regarding users; they can be saved in a permanent way with a varying lifespan (persistent cookies) or have a limited lifespan (session cookies).

During use of the website, the user may also receive cookies on their terminal that have been sent by other websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), upon which certain elements (for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages on other domains) present on the website that the user is visiting may reside.

Certain functions from third parties may also be integrated into this website: for example, our modules feature so-called “captcha” functions – a small test that can only be solved by a human being. Cookies relating to this function prevent misuse of the website, as they are used to recognise the user and the captcha that is entered, protecting the site from attacks by “spambots”. Facebook Pixels are also installed on our website. A conversion pixel is a fragment of JavaScript code that places a blank image consisting of 1×1 pixels onto a website. If anyone visits a Website page onto which a conversion pixel has been installed, the pixel will send a ping to Facebook and will register both the visit as well as additional information indicating, for example, whether the user viewed one of the advertisements present. Retargeting uses cookies. Navigation cookies are linked neither to a user’s identity nor to a user’s personal data.

To view the complete list of services used by this website, please consult point “3.5. List of Web Services

Cookies, which are usually present in users’ browsers in very high numbers, and which are sometimes characterised by a long lifespan, are used for various purposes: to execute IT authentications, to monitor sessions, to save information about specific configurations regarding users accessing the server, etc.

In order to ensure correct regulation of such devices, it is necessary to distinguish them based on the aims pursued by those using them, in view of the fact that there are no technical characteristics that differentiate one from the other.

  • FIRST-PARTY technical (session) persistent cookies

Technical cookies are only used to “carry out transmission of a communication on an electronic communication network, or to the extent that their use is necessary to the provider of a WEB service that has been explicitly requested by the user and in order to provide such a service”. These cookies are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the data controller or the manager of the website. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which ensure normal navigation and use of the web site (allowing purchases to be made, for example, or permitting authentications allowing access to reserved areas). This website uses first-party persistent technical session cookies.

  • FIRST-PARTY analytical cookies

Analytical cookies, also called “analytics”, allow detailed statistics regarding visits to a website (for example, the viewing of certain pages, the number of visitors, the time spent on the site by users, and how users arrive) to be compiled. Analytics cookies are assimilated with technical cookies when used directly by the manager of the website to gather information (in an aggregate form) regarding the number of users and how these users visit the website. This website makes use of first-party analytical cookies.

  • FIRST PARTY profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are designed to create a profile of the user and are used to send advertising messages that are in line with the preferences shown by the user within the context of their online navigation. Due to the high level of invasiveness of such devices (this site may share this information with other subjects, including advertisers), European and Italian regulations stipulate that you can refuse consent regarding the use of such cookies. This website makes use of FIRST-PARTY profiling cookies.

  • THIRD-PARTY analytical cookies

Analytical cookies, also called “analytics”, allow detailed statistics regarding visits to a website (for example, the viewing of certain pages, the number of visitors, the time spent on the site by users, and how users arrive) to be compiled. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service developed and provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to gather aggregated statistical information regarding use of the website (pages visited, duration of the user’s stay, number of visitors etc.). You can view the privacy declaration and the consent form relating to Google Analytics at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it

The platform is set up in such a way as to prevent Google from cross-referencing data gathered via Analytics with those of its other products. By disabling sharing settings, Google ensures that data is not used for analysis activities, profiling or other such activities, but will remain the property of Google Analytics to be used solely for the monitoring service. The Data Controller and Data Processor may access such data for statistical purposes. Furthermore, Google Analytics works in an anonymous way, so that IP addresses are anonymised through the blanking out of the last part of the address.

If the user does not wish to be “tracked”, even anonymously, by this or other websites that use Google Analytics, he/she can download the additional component to disable the sending of navigation data to Google Analytics, which is distributed free of charge by Google.

  • THIRD-PARTY profiling cookies

In order to provide further functions and services within this website, we work with third parties that can use their cookies to gather information regarding activities carried out by you during navigation of the pages of this website, independently and in a way that is not overseen by us. This information can be used to offer advertising that is in line with your interests, on the basis of content visited, or to measure the efficacy of advertising campaigns. Such cookies can be contained within various elements present on the web page, such as advertising banners, images, videos etc. An example is the presence of so-called “social plugins” or “social sharing buttons” for the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn), designed to allow sharing of the contents of a web page on the respective social networks. The use of data gathered via third-party cookies, over which we do not exert any kind of control, is governed by the respective information declaration in each case, which we invite you to view. This site makes use of THIRD-PARTY profiling cookies.


How can I control the installation of cookies?

In addition to the recommendations contained within this Cookie Policy, the user can manage his/her preferences regarding cookies directly within their own browser, preventing the installation of cookies by third parties, for example. Through browser preferences, it is also possible to delete Cookies installed in the past, including Cookies used to save consent to the installation of Cookies on the part of the Internet Site. Please note that by disabling cookies, the functioning of this Website may be compromised. Users can find information regarding the management of Cookies in his/her browser by visiting the address provided at the end of this paragraph.

In the case of services provided by third parties, the user can also exercise his/her right to object to the processing of their data by referring to the third party’s privacy policy, by following the opt-out link if this has been explicitly provided in this Cookie Policy, or by visiting the third party’s privacy policy directly.

Without prejudice to the above, we inform you that it is also possible to make use of the tool provided by Your Online Choices. Through this service, it is possible to manage tracking preferences for the majority of advertising tools. It is recommended that you use this tool in addition to other tools indicated within this Cookie Policy.

It is also possible to disable Google Analytics analysis cookies by downloading the relevant additional browser component for the disabling of Google Analytics, available at the following address: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout .

As the installation of Cookies and other tracking systems used by third parties through the services used on this Internet Site cannot be technically controlled by the Data Controller, all specific references to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties should be considered as illustrative. To find more comprehensive information, please consult the third party’s privacy policy as indicated within this Cookie Policy.

Given the objective complexity associated with the identification of technologies based on Cookies and with their tight integration into the functioning of the internet, we invite the user to contact the Data Controller by using the contact channels offered if the user wishes to receive more detailed information regarding the use of Cookies and the potential use of Cookies (for example, by third parties) inherent in the use of this Internet Site.

Below, you will find a list of the most commonly used browsers with a link to the respective cookie management settings:

Please note: by disabling cookies, some parts of the website may no longer be displayed correctly.

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

Browsers allow for navigation in a “private” mode: activation of this mode means that cookies will always be deleted after the conclusion of every navigation session.

Third-Party Cookie Policy


This category of cookie is used to share content on social networks. Below, you will find the names of the third parties who receive them and the respective link to their page containing specific information on processing and consent.

Cookie policy at https://mailchimp.com/legal/cookies/

Privacy policy at https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/

Permitting the use of Cookies

By continuing navigation from the banner containing the brief information declaration, scrolling through this page or clicking on any of its elements, you agree to the use of the cookies employed on this Internet site and accept the cookie policy described above.

You always have the option of withdrawing consent once given, by using the form indicated in the paragraph entitled “How can I control the installation of Cookies?”.

3.3 Cookies on the Website:

To view all the cookies used on this site, click on: https://en.parisienneitalia.com/cookie-policy/

3.4. Types of Cookie active on the website:

Type of Cookie

First-party Analytics

Technical – session – first-party persistent


3.5. List of Web Services

For detailed information, we recommend that you consult the respective privacy policies for the services listed below, where you will be able to find all necessary information regarding the processing operations carried out in each case.

Back-end infrastructure and hosting

This type of service aims to host data and files that allow the site to function, allowing its distribution and making available an infrastructure that can be used to provide the specific functions of the site in question. Some of these services operate through servers that may be deployed in various geographical locations, making it difficult to determine the exact place where Personal Data is stored.

Server Plan srl (single member)

Server Plan is a hosting service provided by Server Plan srl (single member).

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data

Privacy Policy

Interaction with social networks and the viewing of content on external platforms

This kind of service allows interactions with social networks or other external platforms to be carried out directly on the pages of the website. In any case, the interactions and information acquired are subject to the privacy settings of the User with regard to each social network. If an interaction service with a social network has been installed, it is possible that this social network may gather data regarding traffic on the pages where it has been installed (even if users do not use the service).

Facebook Like button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)

The Facebook “Like” button and social widgets are interaction services for the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy

Pinterest “Pin it” button and social Widgets (Pinterest)

The Pinterest “Pin it” button and social widgets are interaction services for the platform Pinterest, provided by Pinterest Inc.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data

Privacy Policy

LinkedIn button and social widgets (LinkedIn Corporation)

The LinkedIn button and social widgets are interaction services for the social network LinkedIn, provided by LinkedIn Corporation.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy.

Instagram button and social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)

The Instagram button and social widgets are interaction services for the social network Instagram, provided by Facebook, Inc.

Privacy Policy

YouTube button and social widgets (Google Inc.)

YouTube is a service for the viewing of video content managed by Google Inc., which allows this application to integrate such content onto its own pages.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy

Registration, authentication and saving

This type of service allows the registration, authentication and saving of user data directly on the pages of the website.

Contact Form 7 (Takayuki Miyoshi)

Personal Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data provided during registration.

Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group)

Mailchimp is a service owned by The Rocket Science Group. It allows for the creation of newsletters and landing pages, managing and saving the personal data provided by users during registration with the website.

Personal Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data provided during registration.

Privacy Policy

WooCommerce (Automattic, Inc.)

WooCommerce is the Automattic, Inc. e-commerce platform. It manages orders and user authentications.

Personal Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data provided during registration.

Privacy Policy


Heat mapping and registration sessions

Heat Mapping services are used to identify the areas of a page over which a user’s cursor moves and areas where mouse clicks occur to establish which areas are of the greatest interest. These services allow for the monitoring and analysis of traffic data and allow the behaviour of the user to be tracked. Some of these services may record user sessions and subsequently make them available for viewing.

Smartlook (Smartsupp)

Smartlook is a service that operates on Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure. It uses the Amazon AWS data centre in Frankfurt, Germany, where data and personal information is processed and archived. Data is not saved or sent outside the European Union in any way. Information regarding opting out from Smartlook is available here.

Persona Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data

Privacy Policy   – Opt Out

Remarketing and Behavioural Marketing

This type of service allows the website and its partners to communicate, optimise and display advertising content based on the User’s past usage of an Application. This activity is carried out through the tracking of Usage Data and the use of Cookies: this information is sent to partners to whom the remarketing and behavioural targeting activity is linked. The User can opt to be excluded from receiving cookies relating to a third party service by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Remarketing with Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics for display advertising is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Google Inc., which links tracking activities carried out by Google Analytics and its Cookies with the advertising network Adwords and with Doubleclick cookies.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy – Opt Out

Conversion tracking of Facebook Ads – retargeting with Facebook Pixel (Facebook, Inc.)

Conversion tracking by Facebook Ads is a statistical service provided by Facebook, Inc. which links data deriving from the Facebook advertising network with actions carried out on the website, through a Pixel installed on the site in question.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy


Statistics and Performance

The services contained within this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyse traffic data and serve to keep track of the user’s behaviour.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses Personal Data gathered with the aim of tracking and analysing the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing these with other services developed by Google. Google may use Personal Data to contextualise and personalise the advertising of its own advertising network.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy – Opt Out.

Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook, Inc.)

Facebook Ads conversion tracking is a statistical service provided by Facebook, Inc., which links data originating on the Facebook advertising network with actions carried out within this Application.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy

Smartlook Analytics (Smartsupp)

Smartlook is a service that operates on Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure. It uses the Amazon AWS data centre in Frankfurt, Germany, where data and personal information is processed and archived. Data is not saved or sent outside the European Union in any way. Information regarding opting out from Smartlook is available here.

Personal Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data

Privacy Policy   – Opt Out

Tawk.to Analytics

Tawk.to is a free messaging app that allows you to monitor and chat with the visitors of the website, app for mobile devices, or from a free customisable page.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy


The support service is used to respond to requests and requirements expressed by the user regarding matters that are strictly relevant to products/services linked to the brand/site.

Live chat


Tawk.to is a free messaging app that allows you to monitor and chat with the visitors of the website, app for mobile devices, or from a free customisable page.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Privacy Policy

Email (Contact Form 7 and Mailchimp)

Contact Form 7 (Takayuki Miyoshi)

Personal data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data provided during registration.

Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group)

Mailchimp is a service owned by The Rocket Science Group. It allows for the creation of newsletters and landing pages, managing and saving the personal data provided by users during registration with the website.

Personal Data gathered: cookies, usage data and various types of data provided during registration.

Privacy Policy

Protection from SPAM

Google reCAPTCHA (Google, Inc.)

reCAPTCHA is a completely invisible anti-spam system, provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), which facilitates registration operations and guarantees effective checks for any online website.

Personal Data gathered: cookies and usage data

Privacy Policy

How the User is contacted

Contact form

By completing the contact form with their own Data, the user permits the usage of this data in order to respond to their request for information, for a quote, or of any other nature indicated within the form’s heading.

Personal Data gathered: surname, email and name

Contact via telephone

Users who have provided their telephone number may be contacted for commercial or promotional purposes linked to this Application, as well as to fulfil a request for support.

Personal Data gathered: telephone number

Mailing List or Newsletter

With subscription to the mailing list or newsletter, the email address of the user is automatically entered onto a list of contacts to whom email messages containing information (including information of a commercial and promotional nature) may be sent, relating to this Application. The email address of the User may also be added to this list as a result of registration with this Application or after making a purchase.

Personal Data gathered: surname, email address and name


What are the rights of the data subject?

  1. Your rights as a data subject:

As stipulated in European Regulation 679/2016, with regard to the processing operations described within this Information Declaration, as a data subject, you may exercise the rights stipulated by articles 15 – 21 and, in particular:

  • right to access – article 15 of the GDPR: the right to obtain confirmation as to whether your personal data is currently being processed and, in such case, to obtain access to your personal data, including a copy of the data itself.
  • Right to rectification – article 16 of the GDRP: the right to obtain, without undue delay, the correction of incorrect personal data concerning you and/or the completion of incomplete personal data;
  • The right to erasure (the right to be forgotten) – article 17 of the GDPR: the right to obtain, without undue delay, the deletion of your personal data.
  • The right to a limitation of processing – article 18 of the GDPR: the right to obtain the limitation of processing, if:
  1. the data subject contests the accuracy of personal data, for a period that enables the data controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  2. the processing operations are unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of personal data and requests the limitation of its use instead
  3. the personal data is required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
  4. the data subject has objected to the processing of his/her data pursuant to article 21 of the GDPR, pending verification of whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.
  • The right to the portability of data – article 20 of the GDPR: the right to receive personal data regarding him/her that has been provided to the Data Controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to send this personal data to another data controller without hindrance, if the processing operation is based on consent and is carried out with automated means. Furthermore, the data subject has the right to obtain the transmission of his/her personal data from the Bank to another data controller, where this is technically feasible;
  • The right to object – article 21 of the GDPR: the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, at any time and on grounds relating to his/her particular situation, based on the legality of the legitimate interest or on the execution of a task carried out in the public interest, including profiling, unless there are legitimate reasons for the Data Controller to continue processing the data, which prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or to establish, exercise or defend a right in a court; the data subject may, at any time, object to the processing of his/her personal data if this data is being processed for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that this is connected to the direct marketing;

The rights above can be exercised vis-à-vis the Data Controller by contacting the references indicated above.

The exercising of your rights as a data subject is free of charge, pursuant to article 12 of the GDPR. Nonetheless, in the case of unfounded or excessive requests (which may be made repetitively), the Data Controller may charge you with a reasonable fee, in view of the administrative costs incurred to deal with your request, or refuse to satisfy your request.

You may avail yourself of your Rights by writing directly to the address info@parisienneitalia.it



The data subject has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not compromise the lawfulness of any processing operations carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent.


The data subject has the right to complain to the Italian Data Protection Authority, located at the address Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121, 00186, Rome (RM).